How to Create a Stripe Test Account for PayEmail: A Step-by-Step Guide

A Stripe account allows you to accept Credit Card Payments on your PayEmail.

Creating a Stripe Sandbox (Test) account allows you to test your form with fake money. This is recommended to do before you go live with your form to make sure everything is working correctly.

If you already have a Stripe account, then you have a test account also. This is no need to do anything other then login with your normal Stripe account.

If you don’t have a Stripe account yet, please sign up for a Stripe account.

Click Connect to Stripe, and make sure you are in Test Mode.

Make sure you are in Test Mode and login with your normal Stripe account. (It will say PayForm here, but don’t worry, that our sister company.)

When you want to pretend to be the customer so you can checkout on your PayEmail, you will use this credit card information: